Sabtu, 22 Juli 2017

sering printer husi ubuntu server ba windows

sering printer

dadeer Di'akba kolega sira, iha artigu ida-ne'e ha'u sei koko fahe kona-ba oinsá atu kria Server Impresu, iha haʼu-nia email kona-ba kriasaun Server Impresu ida kona-ba Ubuntu Server espera artigu ida-ne'e bele aumenta koñesimentu kona-ba oinsá atu Instala Impresu Server uza Ubuntu Server 14.04.

OK kona-ba prátika liu husi experimentu mak neʼe, haʼu uza MF4680 Printer ne ' ebé mak iha ligasaun ba rede ida ho Diskursu IP no Server Impresu ne'ebé uza Ubuntu Server 14.04 ho Diskursu IP No ba Impresu servidór sira uza KOPU (KOMÚN UNIX IMPRIMI SISTEMA) mak hanesan aplikasaun ba jere impresora iha ligasaun ba rede. Tan neʼe, ninia objetivu maka Kliente PC iha ligasaun ba Rede bele hanesan uza Kuandu MF4680 Printer.
Ok neʼe haʼu asume imi iha ona Ubuntu Server 14.04. No, favór ida hodi Rezolve IP ne ' ebé uza IP maisomenus Hanesan.

# nano /etc/network/interfaces
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
tuir mai ita update dan upgrade
# apt-get update
# apt-get upgrade
  tuir mai ita install aplikasaun  Samba

# apt-get install samba
depos edit smb.conf iha ita nia direktory /etc/samba/ edit hare hanesan iha kraik ne'e

# nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
# Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of
   workgroup = WORKGROUP >> Silahkan disesuaikan dengan nama WORKGROUP masing2
   security = user

   comment = All Printers
   browseable = yes
   path = /var/spool/samba
   printable = yes
   guest ok = yes
   read only = yes
   create mask = 0700

depois atu save hanehan tekladu Ctrl + X tuir tan hanehan takladu Y hotu hanehan [ENTER] stuir mai ita install Print server kona-ba Cups.

# apt-get install cups
  tuir tan edit ita nia file /etc/cups/cupsd.conf hanesan tuir mai ne'e

# Only listen for connection from the local machine
Port 631
Listen /var/run/cups/cups.sock

# Restrict access to server...
<Location />
 Order allow,deny
Allow all
depois atu save hanehan tekladu Ctrl + X tuir tan hanehan takladu Y hotu hanehan [ENTER] hotu restart hare kodigu iha kraik ne'e

# service cups restart
depois tuir mai loke ita nia browser ba url nia
agora  ne'e bele iha windows ona ba linux la persiza hanesan windowss ona tamba linux ita instala aplikasaun samba depois edit nia eskript hanesan iha leten ita bele print ona 
maibe ba windows ita sei seting hanesan tuir mai ne'e

klik COnfirm Security Exception

ok ne'e mak dashboard husi CUPS 1.7.2 

tuir tan mai ita hili Printer Canon MF4680 ba CUPS. depois tuir hili Administration depois klik Add Printer.

depois tuir mai tau user no password root nian

iha ne'e ba liu Discovered Network Printers ida ne'e hare iha type Canon MF4680 depois hili  Continue

tuir mai klik share this printer hotu hili Continue

Klik Add Printer

Klik Set Default Options

# service cups restart

Pasu tuir mai ne ' ebé mak atu aumenta Printer ba Kliente PC baibain la haluha atu instala Printer Dezempregu. Ba teste sujestaun \\ 

Atu aumenta printer bá painél Kontrolu tuirmai, nia Haree Pesoal no Printer tuirmai hanehan Add printer ida tuirmai, tuir pasu tuir mai.

ne ba Klik Print a test page

Ida-ne'e nu'udar rezultadu hosi aumenta ba printer iha Kliente PC, halo buat neʼebé hanesan kona-ba Kliente PC seluk.

ok ne'e mak rezultadu husi Windows Printer Test Page 

OK tan neʼe, artigu kona-ba oinsá atu Instala no server print seluk uza Ubuntu Server 14.04, espera artigu badak ida ne'e bele sai útil ba ita hotu-hotu fó Obrigadu ba hau no ba ita bo'o nia a'an rasik I liliu ba Nai Maromak Okeyyyy Thank'sss